Topic outline


    Each module of this program makes me more aware to manage my knowledge and experience with creativity, assertiveness and leadership in the face of an era of accelerated technological progress and deep social changes.

    Navigating the contents of the modules a penetrating vision is developed that identifies psycho-biological conditions and destructive customs that may be limiting the full expression of my potential.

    Traditional education does not cover all human dimensions. The human context is multidimensional, therefore it is convenient to complement our acquired knowledge with structural information on the human system. Regardless of circumstances or position in life, let's begin by recognizing the importance of investigating more about ourselves. The internal resources that we all possess, sometimes without knowing, are very useful tools for the management of aptitudes, attitudes, possibilities and opportunities. In this unit we present the themes or areas of self-inquiry that can assist us in this regard.

    Studying Updated Integral Human Development in a continuous way, possibilities of developing new healthy life habits and promoting individual and collective potentials are increased. The entire program and its tools consist of a practical application of the Methodology of Spiral Dynamics for de Development of Consciousness - Graves, Beck y Wilber, and the Multidimensional Development of the Person, applying various self-inquiry techniques such as Andragogy.


    Lifelong learning can enhance our understanding of the world around us, provide us with more and better opportunities and improve our quality of life.

    Perhaps the most important life skill is the ability and willingness to learn. By learning new skills, we increase our understanding of the world around us and equip ourselves with the tools we need to live a more productive and fulfilling life, finding ways to cope with the challenges that life, inevitably, throws at us.

    Most people associate learning with formal education at school, college, university etc. We are all told, from an early age, that we should ‘get a good education’. Generally speaking it is true that a formal education and the resulting qualifications are important. Education may maximize our potential to find better, more satisfying jobs, earn more and, perhaps, become more successful in our chosen career.

    However, ‘schooling’ is only one type of learning. There are many other opportunities to further your knowledge and develop the skills you need throughout life. Knowledge can be acquired and skill-sets developed anywhere – learning is unavoidable and happens all the time. However, lifelong learning is about creating and maintaining a positive attitude to learning both for personal and professional development. Lifelong learners are motivated to learn and develop because they want to: it is a deliberate and voluntary act.

    This learning consists of creating and maintaining an interest and dedication both for personal and professional development, supported by the creation of areas of transformation where it is formed in new humanized and humanizing values, in new modes of relationship and behavior that dismantle the configuration that the economic-social-political-cultural superstructure has installed us leading us to a life of automatic and dehumanized consumption.

    Life and Work Benefits

     Why, how and for what do I participate? 

    The following chart presents the opportunities for change, the tools acquired, the ways to transform and the new personal and social lifestyles that I can achieve by putting into practice the learning obtained in each of the four cycles of the HDA Updated Integral Human Development Program.


    Almost 100% in my hands
    Highly effective and
    self-directed work
    My own competences
    Aptitudes and Attitudes
    To me as equipper
    To the team as such
    The favorable work environment
    I as a leader
    To my collaborators as
    leaders and leaders
    I being guided
    Ability to interpret well
    and complement the leader
    TOOLS DEVELOPED Be proactive
    Clarity in objectives and strategies
    Ability to prioritize
    Orientation to integral results
    Self-evaluation and feedback
    Everyone wins
    First understand,
    then be understood
    Generate synergy
    Work for my
    Being a developer of others
    Willingness to listen, contribute, serve,
    receive observations and guidance,
    constantly learn
    ALIGNMENT THAT I LOOK FOR With the organization
    With my job
    With the client
    With my Integral Human Development
    Shared values
    and goals
    Meet my teammates
    Knowing how to
    Handle the conflict
    Situational leadership
    Performance management
    Know the leader and his work style;
    know how to communicate with him;
    know how to support him and get his support
    HABITS TO OPTIMIZE Management of emotions
    Time management
    Identification of what is important and what is urgent
    Courage, initiative and enthusiasm
    Thought management
    Complement your peers instead of competing with them
    Be a friend
    Allow the best idea to succeed
    Never pretend to be perfect
    Live the change that I want to see
    Correct in me what I see wrong in others
    Support the growth of all without impositions
    Transfer vision
    Reward good results
    Always look for clarity
    Recognize when to push and when to back off
    Lighten the burden of your leader: Do your job well
    Tell leaders what they need to hear, not what they want to hear
    Loyally replace your leader when required

    Certificated Students Profile

    Upon completion of the programs of the Human Development Academy - ADH skills, qualities and attitudes are possessed which are considered essential to meet current labor demand, harmonious coexistence, and personal development needs. Among others these skills are: positive attitude, communication, teamwork, self-management, willingness to learn, thinking skills and resilience.

    As the ADH studies proceed, poorly developed skills in the traditional education are promoted, strengthening competencies that allow for: unfolding of the inner being, efficient management of knowledge: learning to learn and know; thinking more creatively, improving coexistence, facilitating changes and better performance in any field and at any stage of life. Training of human potential teaches the student to direct their actions towards the activation of essential aspects of the personality that make living in today's world easier.

    The general competencies and specific skills developed during the ADH study programs are described below.


    The Human Development Academy - HDA, in order to achieve the objectives as planned in its Master Program, Expert Program, Diplomates and all the other Integral Human Development trainings, applies transformational, active, reflective-creative learning methods; also the appreciative approach and the cognitive restructuring. Through guiding questions, self-inquiry, and exploration of internal dynamics, reflection spaces are opened that contribute to the development of general competencies and specific skills. The aim is to identify limiting and harmful habits to replace them with new orders of understanding and thinking that support the fulfillment of the personal and/or organizational mission.

    One of the objectives is to reach the most intimate fibers to involve the whole person always as a subject (valuing their experience as a human being) and never as an object (consumer, production machine, puppet of others). Human beings are inquisitive by nature, feel the need to take their life in their hands and look for a meaning. Other intended attainments meet the need for self-transformation, assist the construction of trust to achieve it and generate a constructive attitude through familiarization with the support tools.

    The guide and the analysis of texts and exercises clarify the demands that this current reality today implies. The same learning material objectively reveals the reality of our personal, social and planetary condition. By facilitating the deepening of the understanding of personal worth, it is possible to discover the values that make life worth living. The participant establishes new goals, projects towards a prosperous future and rewrites his life project, in light of which he commits to build quality of life.

    By virtue of this life project and the clarification of its future, commitment acquires meaning and begins to take hold of the students mentality. The participant begins to manifest a dynamism created by a solidary and avant-garde personality that is shaping itself anew, with the guidance of the renewed vision and the now clear and viable goals that it aspires to achieve. These advances indicate the measure of aspirations and constitute an act of hope, autonomy and inner freedom.

    As the process of personal development activated by ADH programs advances, participants overcome mechanical and reactive response patterns characteristic of the comfort zone and learn to generate personal growth processes. This process of development then is continuous and spiraling, involving dynamic dimensions of being that intervene in the daily interaction with the personal inner and outer worlds.

    This conscious transformation process is represented in the following animation:


    In this section, we present the supports on which the study of 6 dimensions of the human being is based, the curricular axes of the study programs of the ADH, which facilitate the integral and holistic growth of the students. These axes display the widening of the vision as each dimension is covered. Although the human being should really be seen as a whole and not in a fragmented way, dividing his study into these dimensions, in ways similar to those presented in different theories about conscience, allows to meet the teaching objectives of the Updated Integral Human Development.

    1. Mental Dimension

    Development of Intrapersonal Intelligence: Awareness of our Internal Potential

    Part of the multidimensional experience of human existence corresponds to the psychological dimension. Physicists and astronomers have indicated that the true nature of the universe is not material, but it is harmonious and organized. Einstein professed awe in the face of this harmony. In his astronomy lab, James Jeans said that the universe is more like a great thought (plan) than a great machine; and his colleague Arthur Eddington said, "The material of the universe is mental." On a personal level, the mind governs through ideas, knowledge, thoughts, sensations, emotions and in many cases, repetitive reactions that are determining our present. Our outer world is a collective mental representation with which we connect through the senses.

    This connection generates experience, which can facilitate evolution or otherwise impede it. Learning experiences that contribute to the development of personal self-management capacities, allow us to better use our mental resources, overcome the mechanical responses generated by cultural programming, think coherently and focus on our goals, in an ethical and productive way at the same time. We can have our mind oriented towards the achievement of objectives, under the direction of the conscience, instead of allowing it to wander unfocused by routes of confusion. Thus, we will begin to take charge of our own destiny.

    2. Emotional dimension

    Emotional intelligence development. Take awareness of our basic animality to improve our self-management capabilities

    The strength of instincts and emotions often turns out to be irresistible. It can drive the human system. This force is also part of our nature and therefore to deny or reject it would be a mistake. Nature includes instincts and emotions in human design to reinforce the chances of survival. Beyond the field of survival, conservation and reproduction, the validity of instincts and emotions has been questioned. Many agree with the need to learn how to handle these natural forces that can cause inappropriate or unproductive responses that harm one's interests, cause discomfort to other people, or that we later regret.

    To better manage the purely emotional reactions that can occur and to prevent them from leading us along the wrong paths, we can transform their inherent impulse or energy into something positive, such as immediate creative action. For this we need to study, recognize and revalue the biological aspects of our being, the animal in the human, and at the same time, act as firm trainers and goodwill to take advantage of this energy transforming it consciously and rationally preventing it from becoming destructive.

    Acquiring awareness of the manifestation of our impulses of survival and conservation, understanding their functioning and the effect on our life, opens space for the activation of the natural impulse of humanization as well. It is through this impulse that creative thoughts and actions are generated and directed, beneficial to us and to those around us.

    3. Relational Dimension

    Development of Interpersonal Intelligence: Communication and Leadership

    In the search for well-being and comfort, we generally take refuge in a corner of life where we encounter a minimum of conflicts, and then we are afraid to leave this refuge. This fear of life, this fear of struggle and new experiences, kills in us the spirit of adventure. The ability to create synergies with family, work teams and other groups begins first with the strengthening of one's relationship with oneself. The individual is composed of different facets, and accentuating those differences and stimulating the development of only one aspect, can lead to many complications and contradictions. Without integration, life becomes a series of conflicts and sufferings. Observing and listening carefully, being aware of all the considerations involved and adopting broader points of view, makes our communications more authentic and constructive, facilitating us to create powerful and uplifting relationships based on mutual trust.

    To relate in a more productive, ethical and harmonious way we need to develop communication skills. These skills reinforce our capacity for leadership, a vocation for service, making us more coherent beings and interested in the common good. Effective communication is a mixture of greater intelligence, culture, assertiveness, tact and affectivity in our dealings with others.

    4. Community Dimension

    Development of Social Intelligence: Building Solidarity Communities

    There is an efficiency inspired by love, which goes much further and is much larger than the efficiency inspired by the ego; and without love, which gives us a comprehensive understanding of life, effectiveness can involve cruelty. If education has to take us to war, if it teaches us to destroy or be destroyed, has not it totally failed? Have you managed to integrate socially and facilitate the sustainable development of our communities? We have yet to learn to collectively construct areas of transformation, where new values of solidarity replace selfish, automatic, and dehumanizing patterns of life. Solidarity, in these cases, implies building bridges for the eradication of social disparities and meeting the needs of the majority.

    Organizations that respond in solidarity to their environments, seek to create environments where trust, cooperation, and collective and individual growth, are the axes that move the efforts in everyday life. In environments of continuous learning, the development and expression of potential are encouraged. For social development, we start with a better understanding of the risks and challenges of the century. To deepen our vision of ourselves and to project ourselves in a more realistic way, we need to learn to see the world from a modern perspective, create a constructive and solidary conscience, understand the potential of unions and alliances, and energize the mechanisms that lead to the social responsibility of all activity.

    5. Global Dimension

    Development of Ecological Intelligence: Planetary Awareness

    Education is not the simple acquisition of knowledge, nor collecting and correlating data, but seeing the meaning of life globally, as a whole. But the whole can not be understood from a single point of view. The function of education today is to create intelligent human beings integrated, and therefore, planetary. Intelligence is the ability to perceive the essential, what "is". The complementary education programs of ADH seek to awaken this capacity in ourselves and in others.

    We can acquire titles and be efficient in the mechanical aspect without being intelligent. Intelligence is not just information or memory; it is not derived from books nor consists of the capacity to react skillfully in defense of one's own beliefs or to make offensive oppositions. We measure intelligence in terms of titles and exams and have developed clever minds that dodge vital human problems.

    The educational or political systems do not change mysteriously; They are transformed when we fundamentally change. The individual is of paramount importance, not the system; and as long as the individual does not understand the total process of his own existence, there is no system, either right or left, that can bring order and peace to the world. The development of the global dimension enables the construction of new levels of thought that allow us to better understand the relationship of man with nature and the entire planet and face problems in accordance with our natural environment. Likewise, it creates a sense of belonging, inclusion, justice, freedom, participation, co-responsibility and solidarity action. All this allows achieving greater degrees of coherence and achieving the necessary environmental sustainability.

    6. Transcendental dimension

    Development of Universal Intelligence: Recognition of the common to all

    The individual mind excludes the fact of the unity of all life, and creates the illusion that we are beings isolated from everything else by the sketch of our skin, keeping us with the feeling of being limited and powerless to free ourselves from our egocentric activities with all their fears and conflicts. The development of the transcendental dimension does not seek to transform the individual into something else but to help him to understand himself to go beyond his limitations imposed by mind and matter. The true formation has nothing to do with any ideology, however much it promises a future utopia; nor is it founded on any system, no matter how well thought; nor is it a means of conditioning the individual in a special way. The complementary formation enables the individual to be mature and free, to flourish abundantly in love and kindness.

    Intellectually we can understand the need to take on life in a positive way, and face the challenge of living with joy despite any external or internal complexity. However, we need to transcend our intellectuality to experience states of deep calm consciously and at will. This experience is equivalent to recharging the batteries for the natural and orderly deployment of successive units of higher order until there is only Unity until all the potential has been realized until the unconscious field is opened as Consciousness and then as Super Consciousness. It is what an individual, in the current state of human evolution, must do to develop and move towards Total Consciousness, independent of any philosophy or religion.

    Universal intelligence clearly identifies the illusions of existence. With time, meditating regularly, we can transcend and reach high states of consciousness. With the competent guidance of someone who has already reached them, we can continue to develop ever more subtle, more conscious states, until we fully unite with the Ocean of All Consciousness of which we are drops.

    Símbolo Desarrollo Multidimensional ADH


      The following are the modules included in the Master and Expert Programs and the Diploma in Integral Human Development. By clicking on the corresponding link you can access the general description, the specific objectives and their main themes. In all the programs, the participants try to address all dimensions of their development, learning thus is multidimensional.

      1. Unplug
      2. Why Do We Think, Speak and Act Like This?
      3. Efficient Communication
      4. Risk and Challenges of the 21st Century
      5. Comfort Without Slavery
      6. Reinventing Myself
      7. Constructive Use of the Mind
      8. Emotional Awareness
      9. New Leadership
      10. Communion With My Community
      11. Planetary Awareness
      12. No Boundaries Existence


        The revolution of the conscience is more than a fashion, it is within my reach now. Begin to Climb the Ladder of Updated  Integral Human Development that will boost and take me to a better positioning of my personal, work, social, and global life.

        Access here the modules of my program

        Choose one of the programs here